Saturday, April 9, 2011

this is not the truth

this is a selfish post,
a selfish statement
yet,the truth
the fact that each and every one us
were born,with the nature of lust,desire,arrogance,ego,superior and

we never believed it though
because it is taught to us,
yeah,taught to us,day by day
nice guys wins
take the superior quality,
we may have deemed ourselves the nice guy
ironic,but very accurate

thus,there are different experience
different point of view
different challenges

no,it is not our fault
it is not our parent's fault too
it is destiny
the chosen ones

we are the chosen one

we have been given all of this challenges,
all of this turmoil to just end up in agony,
misery,fatigue,famine and meltdown

why are we chosen ?
the things may not happen to others
can they somehow make the problems malleable ?
can they stand it ?
can they make it through it ?
be it theirs,they should've gone six feet under now

thus,all of the things,end up to us.
the ones who can withstand it,
make it through in one piece

have faith,the world is a collection of syllable,harmonic yet monotonous synchronization
of laughter,tears,angst and fear

don't try to understand all of these
cause me myself
won't understand.what have i done to make it through until today.

may peace be upon you

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